Accelerate Your YouTube Channel Growth

Creating a successful YouTube Channel can be overwhelming and hard to grow. That’s why skipping the 5 years it takes on average to learn what you need to make $5,000+ per month!

The Results

A Member’s First 90 Days

This is a faceless documentary channel and has seen some amazing growth since I helped strategize, provide killer ideas, and help execute on a large scale. This channel is now making $5,000 per month and growing very fast by 700-1,000 subscribers per day!

A Member’s First Year

A gaming channel that is faceless but the content is still by the creators themselves on a game they really enjoy. It’s harder to make it on an idea that might not be for a large audience but is still possible. Minimal editing and minimal work.

The whole point of this program is to get you through 10 years of YouTube in just a few hours so that you can start making money NOW. It took me 2 years to get monetized on YouTube when I first started. Since then, I have learned a lot because of all the mistakes I made and the strategies I have learned. The best teacher is FAILURE. And while you can learn this way too, it can be expensive to learn this way. I have lost over $100,000 over the last 10 years because of bad investments in my YouTube career. Whether that’s time I have spent learning the nuances of YouTube to monetary investments into my education or projects. I know what works and what doesn’t work. My goal is to get you to $2,000 per month on YouTube in as little as one year, if not sooner.

Success on YouTube is Not Luck! It’s a Formula.

And I have the FIVE Step Blueprint to Success

01. Ideation

Just because you like a topic and enjoy making videos about it, does not mean others will watch your videos. You can’t just make a channel or video about your favorite Lego builds or your fun documentary channel about anything. The planning phase is unique and integral to your channel’s success. This ideation also applies to every single video you will post to this channel. I have proven formulas and experience to back up my strategy to pick a niche, find a pain point that your audience has and get millions of views.

02. Thumbnail

If you can’t get your target audience to click on your video, everything else is a waste of time. You will never succeed if you don’t understand the psychology behind why people click and what makes a good thumbnail. Understanding how to find the best thumbnail for your video is also a valuable skill that can be taught. One of the most simple solutions is to A/B test your thumbnails. Sometimes the thumbnail you think is best turns out to be the worst and the one you think is least likely to succeed ends up getting 2 million views.

03. Title

Assuming your thumbnail generates interest, curiosity, questions, or any type of emotion, your title must reinforce these feelings BUT NEVER give away the answer. When you answer the viewer’s questions in the title, you will not generate the amount of CTR (Click Through Rate) that you are looking for. It needs to make your audience think of 2-3 more questions or want to click so bad to find out the answer. The fear of missing out (FOMO) is also a powerful emotion you can use to get results.

04. Hook

So, you have a great idea and a great strategy to get your viewers to click on your video, but keeping them is the other half of the struggle that many creators have. If they don’t make it to at least halfway into your video, success is going to be a distant dream. Storytelling is integral to a successful video and channel. Too many times, people can spend all the time in the world developing a great idea and first impression, but if you can’t keep the viewer, YouTube will not recommend the video anymore and your video will flatline.

05. Scale

The whole point of this program is to get you through 10 years of YouTube so that you can start making money NOW! It took me 2 years to get monetized on YouTube when I first started. Since then, I have learned a lot because of all the mistakes I made and the lessons I learned. The best teacher is FAILURE. And while you can learn this way too, it can be expensive lessons. I have lost over $100,000 over the last 10 years because of bad investments in my YouTube career. Whether that’s time I have spent learning the nuances of YouTube to monetary investments into my education or projects. I can help you know what works and what does not work. My goal is to get you to $5,000 per month on YouTube.

About Me

I’m Murray Frost. I used to be a full-time creator but found a new way of being a creator/business owner, making a living with YouTube at the core and without being full-time. Now I teach others how to do it. I have been OBSESSING over YouTube for the last 10 years and only found success 5 years ago. Let’s get you successful in just ONE year or less.